1. I’d been thinking about the same question before, when I killed a fly at a restaurant. I was waiting for the food I ordered and the fly just came to my vision and I killed it without thinking much at all and I felt uncomfortable about the fact that I ended its short life without any particular reason….
    Since then I started thinking about what our life is for. There is no right answer to that question, because each individual has their own definition of life, but I believe my life is to find the meaning of living in this world and pass it to the next generation. http://blog.goo.ne.jp/mabysoshite/e/b90c6487e0e3013e36cb4454a2d21e04 Anyway that is what I believe my life should be.

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    1. According to Buddhist way to think about the life, it is the way to make the spirit higher when we get through many ‘ tough events’ during our life.
      But I wonder why and how many more tough events I have to get through ..
      Since I have lost all my family , I have felt more than enough to be left out and feeling alone.
      I don’t mind working hard. And I do make an effort for our patients as much as possible .. But recentlly I feel tired easily ..maybe because of my age.
      Then when I go home, no one is there.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that you’ve already lost your family…. Well, the Buddhist way of thinking sounds great, but I suppose it is too much for many ordinary people like me and the life shouldn’t be an ordeal, but instead something more relaxed and open to many possibilities. I suppose you are caring and kind person so being alone won’t satisfy your feelings. You might need someone to care for and that’s something missing from your current life and finding someone you care for might help you to understand what the life is for….


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